models of Adolf Loos' projects from Atlas of Interiors

collection of models of Adolf Loos' projects 

Atlas of Interiors

16개 건물들 및 프로젝트의 모형 및 도면

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개인 블로그는 아니고 대학에서 학생들과 진행한 프로젝트들을 정리한 것으로 보인다.

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This is blog collects a wide selection of meaningful interiors in the world, spanning form the very ancient ones to the most recents: the study has been carried out by prof Gianni Ottolini during is long lasting career at POLIMI within the Interiors – Museums – Built Environment Research Unit at DASTU-Politecnico di Milano.

The blog is the an outcome of the work carried out by several students with the Athen Course “Modern Interior Architecture”. The course aims at introducing students to issues in interior architecture of the 20th century, focusing on home and on public interiors design & historiography and the Italian tradition. Moreover the course pushes students to develop their own research skills, encouraging the reflection upon questions of body and senses, on domesticity and public space quality. The course theoretical lectures and includes visits to some of the most significant architectures built in Milan during the fifties and sixties.
